Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной, распущенной и не играть словами...(с) Спаффи махровая (настоящая).(с)
Люди, у кого с траффиком проблем нет, гляньте, что вы видите в этом клипе. Я через все браузеры вижу Ангела с Линдси, а у Мэйси какое-то кафе нарисовалось.
Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной, распущенной и не играть словами...(с) Спаффи махровая (настоящая).(с)
О глюках. Хуже всего дела обстоят в ИЕ. Там все глючные радости жизни. В Опере ничего не заметила. А в Мозилле только фон не хочет отображаться, но это и раньше было, и не хочет вставляться аватар по выбору *и в Опере тоже*. Так что люди устанавливайте как можно больше браузеров, какой-нибудь да справится с глюками.
Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной, распущенной и не играть словами...(с) Спаффи махровая (настоящая).(с)
что витает в чьей-то голове. А мне все равно. *Может конечно арбидол сказывается и нонче у меня пофигистско-сонное настроение*. Но... посмотрела комикс, почитала комменты и ничего, совершенно. Сатцу в роли туалетной бумаги, ерунда. Райли - Биг Бед, старо. Уиллоу, заглядывающаяся на разные юбки, а конкретно Сатцу, и мечтающая о Баффи, да Бог с ней, лишь бы глаза не чернели. Ну единственное Ксракула *спасибо Mrs Underhill за чудный термин* вызывает радость. Наконец-то и Ксан с любовником вампиром. Теперь он против спаффи, наверное, так возражать не будет, поймет, как хорош секс с вампиром. Хотя был ли мальчик секс. Баффи, для которой коса важнее Сатцу... а что кто-то надеялся увидеть что-то другое? Уже многие пришли к выводу, что Джосс перечитал фанфиков. У меня такая же точка зрения. Тем более некоторые фантазии фанатов, как бы помягче сказать, ну очень странные. Вот думаю, почитал он такое и подумал, издеваетесь над моими героями, ну я вам покажу, никому мало не покажется. И стал выдавать самые дикие фэнские идеи в своей обработке. Маразм от выпуска к выпуску все крепче. Ну и что. До фанфифов о сексуально одержимой Баффи бросающейся на все что движется, что даже вампики ее вынуждены утягивать силой и учить уму-разуму, ему еще далеко. Так что хоть оргия в замке, с выскакивающим из торта голым Джоссом со словами: «Любите меня! Возьмите меня! Я ж ваш создатель!» Мне все равно. Главное, чтоб он это вдруг не снял.
Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной, распущенной и не играть словами...(с) Спаффи махровая (настоящая).(с)
Только что прочитала. Спойлер по «Захвату убийцы Зеленой реки»!читать дальшеОни ввели в фильм эпизод казни Банди. Мне дурно. Ну сколько можно играть героев, которые плохо кончают.
Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной, распущенной и не играть словами...(с) Спаффи махровая (настоящая).(с)
James Marsters ('Torchwood')
Tuesday, April 1 2008, 10:24 BST By Neil Wilkes, Editor
As the megalomaniac, pansexual Time Agent Captain John Harper, James Marsters has been a welcome addition to Torchwood's much-improved second season. So far Captain John has been unsucessful in his attempts to bump off the team, despite having posioned Gwen, pushed Jack off the top of a building, and blown up a warehouse with them all inside. But with a truly devastating finale set for this Friday, will Captain John finally get his way? DS speaks to the cult legend Marsters to find out.
читать дальшеLet's start by talking about Torchwood... "That show is the best. I love that show! That show's pissing all the right people off, I love it."
What do you mean by that? I'm sure in the UK it is accepted for what it is more, but in Mexico and in the United States, there's a good streak of homophobia. A lot of characters are unabashedly bisexual in Torchwood; in fact my character's way beyond bisexual, my character will do anything that has a hole! I used to do lots of plays that could piss people off for the right reason and Torchwood's found a way to do that."
Is that what attracted you to the part? "No, I wasn't aware of the backlash at the time. I was just attracted to a really good sсript and a really fun character. I love playing people who are evil, don't care, and have no guilt. A friend told me to watch Doctor Who and I thought 'this is really fabulous actually'. We called Russell [T Davies] and asked him if I could be on Doctor Who and he said 'no', but that I should come over and be part of Torchwood instead."
In the penultimate episode we learn that Captain John is responsible for blowing up the building with the team inside. How does that play out in the finale? "Well I can't give too much away, but John has come into league with Grey. When we see him in the holographic image, that is a man who doesn't understand what is truly going on. That's the look of a man who's in way over his head and doesn't even know it yet. Things do change!"
Moving on to Buffy, do you think the Spike movie will ever happen? Is it something you're still keen to do? "I would love to. My face has held up a little better than I thought it would! One thing I told Joss [Whedon] is that I don't want to do the character when I'm so old that we have to explain that to the audience. I would like to film the character while he's still believably the same age. One of the coolest things about being a vampire is that you are immortal, so I think if we go back to Spike when I can't hold that illiusion, we're going to end it on less than a great note. I went to Joss and gave him an idea for a sсript that he liked a lot actually."
What's the gist of it? "Spike tries for the girl, he loses the girl, a monster attacks, he tries to defeat the monster and can't. But he wins a new pair of shoes for himself, because he can't fight any more and his old boots have given up on him. It sounds kind of stupid, but actually when you play the story out it's kind of funny. Joss said 'That's a great idea, I love it, it's cheap' - and it seemed like everything was set to go, but then it evaporated."
Do you think the idea could be revisited? "I am still interested in it. At this point I would like to do some camera tests to find out if it's possible to photograph me as Spike, but that's not hard to do. With the right lighting, who knows? Maybe I should start drinking carrot juice! The project is not really on the front burner with Joss now. It seems like he made a little attempt and then it just didn't happen. I don't wanna get bitter about it. I was kind of excited that it might happen and I've tried to make it happen.
"I never really felt that Spike was a character that held Joss's imagination, frankly. He was not designed to be part of that show. In the original concept of the show, vampires were to be killed, they were not to be felt for or liked. When I came around suddenly he had two vampires everyone liked - first he had Angel to contend with, which was not his idea, and then he had Spike. In a way I was in peril with the theme of the show in his eyes. In the back of my mind when the shows [ended], I kind of wondered if he would ever come back to the character. I thought it would be better for him if he didn't deal with that character any more. I never thought he'd get [the movie] off the ground actually, even when he was telling me he was going to get it off the ground."
As you say he's moved on to another project, Dollhouse, which you've been linked to. Any truth in that? "I'm not familiar with it. What's that?"
(DS explains the concept). "Wow, that sounds great. He hasn't mentioned it to me, but if he wants me to come and read, I would love to. He's a great boss."
What can we expect at The Rift event and your live gigs next month? "I think you can expect a very interesting time at The Rift. I'm very happy that we're not only able to get some of the major actors from Torchwood, who are all fabulous people by the way, but also three of the major writers. With the music, people can expect an intimate evening. I just tour with my guitar, and I play these songs that I've written. So, it's a simple evening, there's no bells and whistles."
What else is coming up? "I just got back from filming Dragonball, so I'm healing from that. I'm going back to do Smallville next week and think I'll be doing Torchwood again before too long. Then resting, and basically working out - Dragonball is all about muscles and I can't be doing the press tour for it without muscles. I gotta pump my pecs. Girls like boobs too, you know."
Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной, распущенной и не играть словами...(с) Спаффи махровая (настоящая).(с)
А знаете ли вы, что «Баффи» несчастный сериал. Мало того, что пропали 4 серии, но в 2х15 пропало в общей сложности 2 минуты 40 секунд. Люблю я наши каналы, любой фильм перемонтируют, чтобы рекламы еще больше впихнуть.
Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной, распущенной и не играть словами...(с) Спаффи махровая (настоящая).(с)
Говорил долго, но так ничего определенного и не сказал. Сказывается влияние Стива.
Транскрипт: A woman: "If you can not comment on Dragonball, millions of people are waiting to see you painted green ... James Marsters: "That's what I say about Dragonball is that every day Stephen behind me about Dragonball, be quiet about Dragonball, there is nothing you can say about Dragonball, apparently , 20th century Fox will not let me talk about what happened 15 years ago in the lively, all that I have to say about Dragonball, and Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT, while the world has ever seen ... is that it is the most brilliant animated 50000 of recent years, do you agree? And with my son I was playing with figures, I played always with Piccolo , the green guys, and you know, let me tell you how Piccolo ... But I can not do so. Stephen told me to shut me, [I understand is not] the coolest is the Piccolo ... I think the best character in Dragonball Z, that's what I thought many years ago and now I have the role. What is strange is that when I had the audition, I thought that would be Piccolo an old man, he would have the Dragonball and become a big (mime a big strong) ... and I am small! I called my son, and I said "the good news that they are doing is a film Dragonball (mime her son screaming for joy). The new m'auditionnent bizarre is that for the role of Piccolo, and I do not know if I want to waste my time because if I castent for Piccolo, it's going to be feared, [then I do not understand] , and I do not know if I could do it ... And my son said "yes my old, Papa you are cool, I love you ... he has eleven years ... you are cool .. . Piccolo but is muscular. (laughs). And I told him: do not worry, in the first movie is an old man, then I can do it. In the other two, I will prepare myself, I going to tear everything. " Взято с CDS.
Вчера вышел «Убийца зеленой реки», говорят, за 2 минуты первой части Джеймс переиграл всех.
Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной, распущенной и не играть словами...(с) Спаффи махровая (настоящая).(с)
Фанатство - это нечто. Вчера подсела на весь день, читая впечатления и рассматривая фотки с Палея. Джеймса называют сонным влюбленным пуделем и даже дитем любви Карла Маркса. Повеселилась от души. А еще оказывается он не блистал зубастой улыбкой, потому что у него откололся зубик, так я вместе со всеми пристально рассматривала, где этот скол, а потом искала пятнышко кофе на рубашке. Одним словом, совсем с ума сошла.